The technologically disadvantaged life.

As convenient as my phone is as a back up internet source, I really do get sick of looking at a small screen and miniature versions of websites trying to carter to limiting data plans with their mobile only sites.  The sites geared towards these plans leave out a lot of information as well as products for when I am shopping online.  How I would love to zoom in on an item on a 15" screen more often and type with two hands to the tune of 60+ WPM instead of finger tapping a mere 20 WPM!  These truly are the days of everything going electronic and touch screen.  Welcome to the future!  Well, the present... which I have never been scared of.  I have embraced our technological leaps and bounds with open arms and a curiosity to learn.  There have been triumphs, disasters, blue screens and huge smiles as the newest and latest gadget manages to occupy my mind.  With that being said, I found myself a little dumbfounded with my thoughts as I suddenly became offended that my children are growing up in this world where we learn on computer screens, clicking the next button and refresh instead of reading books and turning pages with our fingers.  I want my children to learn like we did in the good ol' days, by using the Dewey decimal system to find the complete set of 15 year old Encyclopedia Britannica; searching in alphabetical order for their topic.  Maybe this is just me getting a little nostalgic?

Aside from reminiscing, I sit at the table this morning with much on my mind.  My honey has gone for the morning to dispatch, and I am left here to wait for his return so I can take the car out to go do my girly errands, like grocery shop and relax with a manicure and triple shot mocha frappuccino.

On this day I decided to make more of an effort to maintain my blog.  Too often I feel the urge to let my fingers bang away at the keys, but get discouraged as I feel no one tunes in to my jibba-jabba.  I have to remind myself that this is an outlet for me, and if there is an audience to share my thoughts, then wonderful!  If not, my desire to type has at least been fulfilled, and at this point to feel satisfied with something that I have done is remarkable. 

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For 3 years I have been a stay at home mom after I lost my job during the recession. Now I am pursuing a degree in Nursing, while taking care of my 2 daughters and our pug, Ruby. We are just dealing with life as it happens, overcoming one obstacle at a time.

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