Yes it is a new year.

Another year down, and if I am lucky 70 more to go.

I typically do not set New Year's resolutions, in fact I do not think I have ever until last year. Why set myself up for disappointment? Of course if I set achievable, realistic resolutions, then there should not be a problem. Okay, let's try that. Last year, I knew not to set the obvious and cliché "I will diet, I will lose weight, I will exercise and eat healthier" resolution, although I did keep that in the back of my mind. Hello! I had 2 kids in 2 years and time is ticking away and the weight keeps going up! Instead, I stuck with something a little more fitting and relevant to my life, a change that needed to happen for preservation of happiness. How about, try to be nicer to people? Apparently, I come across as being a bitch and some other not so nice words. In my head, I think I am quite pleasant with my friends and acquaintances. I am known for my straight forward and blunt approach, but that is also part of the definition to honesty in the Ker-ictionary; right where you see my picture. Last time I checked, honesty was a value and a hard to find one at that in humans anymore. With that being said, I just need to take the time and evaluate my words and how they come across. Keep in mind, it is not always what you say, but how you say it. I like to believe I was partially successful with that resolution. I cannot please everyone and if I pissed you off, I am sorry.

So, let's move forward to 2009. Our key goal this year ... Financial responsibility! I buy something and I say I am going to do this and do that and I will pay on time, even early and more than I am supposed to! I never do. When I bought my car last year, I swore up and down that I would make sure to keep the oil changed and check it constantly and I would never let the gas gage go below 1/4 a tank. Uhm, I ran out of gas 3 times and my oil has not been changed since I bought it 20,000 miles ago. I am hoping I finally learned my lesson once I am out of this financial pickle, with help from my long awaited income taxes.
With my schedule it was hard to make time for the girls to get to their WIC appointments. I figured it did not cost that much for milk, eggs and cheese so I would just get it with my food stamps. Now food stamps do not go as far as they used to and I made it a point to get the girls back on WIC. Whatever I can save, helps, a lot. Heck, I am even going to clip coupons and use those from now on. Coupon clipping party anyone? I have been online doing some grocery price comparison and I am not going to shop only at Wal-Mart anymore. It's convenience no longer counts when I need to be price savvy.
I want this to be my turn around year. The year Keri grows up and fully embraces motherhood and adulthood. If I do not have the money to buy it in full, then I do not need it. I want to better the lives of my children and of course my own, but the first step to that is having security. I am stressed and unhappy because of said stress. Right now, the leading cause of said stress is money. I feel better knowing a great big chunk of this will be erased and I can breathe easier, and if I am lucky grow some more hair and not so many gray ones. Maybe after that, if you can cross your fingers for me, I can save the money I need and move up the "East side", or is it the west?

I hope we have all learned something from 2008, and can take those lessons and apply them this year and hope for better outcomes.

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For 3 years I have been a stay at home mom after I lost my job during the recession. Now I am pursuing a degree in Nursing, while taking care of my 2 daughters and our pug, Ruby. We are just dealing with life as it happens, overcoming one obstacle at a time.

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